The texts below are my own and should not be used elsewhere without my consent, however feel free to copy and use the photos since I have no idea who they belong to. 

Sunday 4 April 2010

Asylum (Part I)

To Doctor Zinnmann, December 11th

As per your future request, considering the patient is deceased, I have written in detail the last seven days of patient number 1024. All of the below are direct observations from the surveillance camera in the canteen.
Dr.Mia Layce

December 6th, The subject entered the canteen alone and sat on one of the corner tables. The rest of the patients were milling about the canteen, some exchanging rumors, others babbling amongst themselves. Patient 1024, to whom I'll refer to as Alyce from now on, seemed to pay no heed to the rest of the inhabitants of the asylum. She took out a piece of paper and a pen from her pockets and began scribbling. From the way she looked around the canteen every few seconds I inferred that Alyce was probably drawing a sketch of the canteen, with it's black and white tiled marble floor, round metallic tables, vending machines and the barred windows. Her dark long hair danced wildly around her shoulders as she continued scribbling. Once in a while she would glance upwards and look at the camera for a few seconds, only to go back to writing again. Patient 512, Mr. Howard approached Alyce and sat next to her without a word. Alyce seemed unperturbed by this, she didn't greet the man, nor acknowledge his arrival. Mr. Howard started muttering, whether to Alyce or himself I could not discern. She gave him an apologetic smile and left the canteen, glancing back at the camera one last time before making her exit. I felt a bit sorry for her since I knew how painful it could be to endure Mr. Howard's ramblings all day long.

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