The texts below are my own and should not be used elsewhere without my consent, however feel free to copy and use the photos since I have no idea who they belong to. 

Sunday 18 April 2010

Asylum (Part IV)

December 9th, Visitors Day. Alyce brought her parents to the canteen, judging from their uncomfortable posture and the looks exchanged between them, it seemed as if she had insisted on bringing them here. She sat them down at the middle of the room and rushed for the vending machines to grab some beverages for the nervous couple. Her mother seemed to be on the verge of crying and her father seemed oblivious to all that was happening. From the looks of it this was either their first or second visit. The father kept flashing his watch to the mother, implying that they were supposed to leave by now. Her parents got up before she had even brought them their diet cokes. I could tell from the desperate look in Alyce's face that she was begging them to stay a bit longer but they would have none of it. Her father darted off without so much as a goodbye, closely followed by her mother who at least managed to throw back an apologetic look her way. Clearly she was a disgrace to them. Alyce slumped onto the nearest chair with a deep sigh, I could see tears welling in her deep blue eyes. Her shoulders sagged as she drifted off for a few seconds. She recomposed herself shortly after, threw a quick look at the camera and ran off. I felt a sensation of bonding with Alyce since my parents never approved my line of work and they made sure that the visits to the hospital were as short as possible. The patient returned later on to continue with her scribblings, her mood seemed to have ascended drastically, she was no longer teary eyed, the gleam in her eyes had returned. Even her stance seemed more concrete.

December 10th, Alyce arrived at the canteen shortly after supper time, she went straight for a chair, took out her pen and paper, wrote what seemed to be a single sentence and left the canteen.

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