The texts below are my own and should not be used elsewhere without my consent, however feel free to copy and use the photos since I have no idea who they belong to. 

Tuesday 8 June 2010

Egg Diaries (Revised & Complete)

Day 1 – The Fridge
My name is Dave and I'm an egg. Me and my five friends were promptly placed into an egg box today and relocated to a new home. Sadly the electricity is a bit buggy since the lights are only working when the door is open. Eddie said he overheard the giant creatures speak of our new home as “The Fridge” which we decided was an appropriate name. These creatures called “humans” were kind enough to carry us into our home and would check on us from time to time by opening the fridge door.
I managed to take a few glimpses of our new home while the lights were on and realized we weren't alone. The fridge was made up of several shelves. We were at the bottom shelf; the first floor. Through the transparent shelf I could see others on different shelves. After some introductions we found out that the second shelf was occupied by the bacon strips while bottles of milk lived on the third. The walls were white and naked just like my shell. I might grow to like this home if we can get the lights working all the time and get rid of the chill.

Day 2 – First Blood
The fluorescent light of the fridge pierced through my shell and awakened me. I looked around hazily and noticed Eddie was startled as well. “Top of the morning to you” I said and yawned widely. “Where's Susie?” he asked in distress as his eyes darted around in search of Susie. He had a thing for Susie but didn't have the courage to open up to her. Susie's slot in the egg box was empty, it's not usual for us eggs to walk out of our boxes since we enjoy a stationary life. Then I noticed that a hairy hand had grabbed Susie by her shiny forehead and was taking her out of the fridge. She didn't seem awfully worried though, eggs are carried around all the time after all. We figured she'd be back soon and perhaps the humans wanted to talk about rent and stuff, we were in good hands though, Susie was a master in the art of haggling.
The lights went dark again and we heard a deep baritone voice from the second floor; “She ain't coming back”. It was one of the bacon strips. “What do you mean she ain't coming back?” Eddie yelled but got no answer. We looked at each other quizzically and shrugged. Surely Susie would be back.

Day 3 – The Revelation
Sleep eluded us all night; Susie hadn't returned. Eddie was frantic and small cracks were beginning to appear on his shell which had become a sickly yellow since last night. Finally the fridge door opened and I spotted the same hairy hand making it's descent towards us. “There, she's back” I said to Eddie and smiled sheepishly. “No she isn't.” Eddie replied sombrely. He was right, the hand was empty.
We watched as the hairy hand grabbed Greg and lifted him effortlessly. Greg didn't speak much but he was a good listener. The human also picked one of the bacon strips on the upper shelf and walked away. He'd left the fridge door wide open so we could see what he was doing. The human whistled merrily as he took out a frying pan and placed it on the stove. Greg was sitting on the counter watching the human go about his business. Then, the unthinkable happened. The human picked Greg up and smashed his head against the side of the frying pan. Eddie and the others screamed in horror while a stifled scream escaped from my throat. The human then spilled Greg's guts all over the frying pan along with the bacon strip. I was appalled by the sight of the macabre scene and threw up. Eddie was crying at my side, no doubt thinking about Susie's demise. The others were stunned by the brutal event. We didn't speak at all that day.. The only sounds echoing through the naked walls of the fridge were the silent cries of the bacon strips and the sobs of my fellow eggs.

Day 4 – Perdition
Another night without sleep. A nerve wracking wait for the fridge door to open began. The cold was starting to get on our nerves. It was me, Eddie and the twins; Meg and Peg left. A blinding light showered us as the fridge door opened and the vile hand reached out for Meg. Eddie and I screamed in protest and Peg wailed in anguish as the hand picked Meg up and the human went for the stove. Our shells clattered as we shook in anger and yelled threats at the wretched human.
The human didn't close the door again, it was as if he was enjoying making us watch his sadistic deeds. A saucepan was on the stove this time, filled with boiling water. I couldn't help but flinch when I spotted the saucepan. Without even a second of hesitation, he threw Meg into the boiling water. I wanted to go deaf to stop Meg's cries of pain and the devilish man's lilting whistles of delight. Tears were running down Peg's shell as she watched her twin burn to death. The human took Meg out of the saucepan and started peeling her smooth pristine skin. Peg was shaking in horror and cracks started to appear on her lovely shell, her insides were starting to spill everywhere. Eddie and I tried to calm her down but she appeared to be in an emotional lockdown and our efforts were futile. It wasn't long before her cracks connected and her shell began to fall down like the leaves of a tree saddened by the coming of fall. The twins had died.

Day 5 – Brothers in Shells
We must have fainted from exhaustion because there was no way we could have fallen asleep. Eddie looked rejuvenated and his natural colour had returned.
“Today is the day we say our farewells old friend” he said with acceptance.
“I realize it's over Eddie, we spent five days in this stinking cold prison, five days of watching our friends get slaughtered and five days of wishing it to stop. Our wish will come true soon.” I replied in a croaked voice.
“That's why I hope he picks me today”
“Why would you say that?” I asked.
“Because I don't want to stay in this cold abyss all alone”
“I suppose you're right. Let's hope he picks us both so nobody has to stay behind.” I replied and just as the words escaped my mouth, the door opened. I closed my eyes and waited for the hairy hand to touch my chilly head but nothing happened. I opened my eyes to darkness, the fridge doors were closed. “Eddie, Eddie, he didn't pick us up” I shouted. “Eddie?” I called out again. I was alone.

Day 6 – The Vigil
The cold was stinging my hardened shell and the darkness was not only shrouding my sight but my thinking as well. I had lost Eddie. What kind of monstrosity had that human employed to devour my best friend. I kept staring at Eddie's spot in the eggbox and talking to myself. I could feel the small cracks appearing on my shell as I trembled in fear, anger and longing. I longed to be back together with my egglings. The door opened with a nerve breaking thud, the light didn't startle me any longer. I looked up, expecting to see my hairy nemesis but the loathsome hand just went for a bottle of milk and closed the fridge door. “Come back, come back and pick me up you bastard” I yelled and yelled for an hour to no avail.

Day 7 – Of Eggs and Men
Just as I was thinking the human would never pick me up and that I would rot in this awful place, three fingers seized me by my head and lifted me. I felt like a feather gliding with the wind as he carried me across the kitchen. I felt the heat of the stove on my shell as we got close. I braced myself for the impact with the side of the frying pan but then the human froze. He dropped me to the floor and my shell cracked with a loud noise from the impact with the wooden floor. I looked down and saw a transparent slimy liquid oozing out of my crack. The human collapsed on the floor right after me, He was clutching his chest and shaking uncontrollably. As the human gave his last breath, I felt my life force draining, my last vision as I looked up was the blurry forms of my friends smiling wistfully at me.

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