The texts below are my own and should not be used elsewhere without my consent, however feel free to copy and use the photos since I have no idea who they belong to. 

Thursday 10 June 2010

La Resistance

Niclas and Lucas were stationed a few kilometres outside of Montoire, the heart of German occupation in France. They were brothers and had enlisted in Hitler's army together in search of revolution and glory. They both had the identical tone of yellow hair and the same handsome blue eyes. They were quite the opposite in every other aspect, Niclas had a round figure but he wasn't necessarily fat, Lucas on the other hand was very slim, his appendages looked like tentacles attached to a pole. The brothers were closely knit and their trust was unfaltering until the day they met Melanie.

It was a warm Sunday evening and Lucas proposed to raid some of the French cottages just to scare people and have a laugh. Niclas merrily complied. They had never harmed any civilians during the war and they didn't intend to start now, it was all for the purpose of having a good time. The brothers had a thing for cars and they had confiscated a 1940 Plymouth which they drove now. They spend the next couple of hours knocking on farmhouse doors and drinking booze while the house owners attended to their needs out of fear. It didn't bother them that the locals hated them, it was war after all. They decided to visit one more farmhouse before heading back to the inn. A young girl not older than twenty opened the door. She had round emerald eyes and a beautifully sculptured nose with a round tip. Her heart warming smile turned into a baleful frown when she saw the crooked cross. Niclas didn't notice her frown because he'd fallen in love with this petite French lady but Lucas didn't take note of this, he was too drunk to take note of anything. He pushed the door open and yelled “fetch us some wine girl”. The girl looked at Lucas and said defiantly “My name is Melanie and you can go fetch your own damn wine you German swine”.

Lucas looked at the girl in disbelief, he wavered a bit and burst out laughing which startled Niclas. Lucas then slapped the girl with surprising strength considering the amount of alcohol he'd taken in. Melanie collapsed on the floor and just as she was about to get back on her feet with an almost feline agility, Lucas kicked her in the groin. Her white skirt had opened up during the commotion, displaying her smooth silky legs. Niclas watched inanimately as Lucas unzipped his pants and leaned for Melanie's shirt. Lucas was laughing wildly as he tore off her clothes. Melanie then remembered the way Niclas had looked at her when she opened the door. She looked at Lucas with tears running down her freckled cheeks. “I love you” she said, her eyes set on Niclas'. “Help me” she whispered. Lucas reached for his Luger, lifted it slowly and shot Niclas after a moment of hesitation. He stared at his gun for a minute while Melanie shook off the bloody corpse and regained her composure. “I love you too” Niklas said after leaving his trance and hugged Melanie with compassion. The agile girl hugged back and smiled, “I'm glad you do”. Her dexterous fingers seized the gun from Niklas' hands and she pulled the trigger. Her white dress soaked in blood and her hair wet with blood, the emerald eyed French lady grabbed a towel to clean the blood and whispered “Les faiblesses des hommes font la force des femmes.”

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